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Another sad day, another rape to Singapore democracy, let alone freedom of speech. News are going around that political cartoonist, Leslie Chew, will be charge in court for contempt and he has been served. Leslie Chew is expected to appear in court on August 12 2013 [Link Here] as reported by the Yahoo News. Singapore high court earlier had approved Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC ) appeal to charge Leslie Chew for contempt for his comics and cartoons.
For those who still yet to know him, Leslie Chew is the creator of “Demon-Cratic” [FB Page Here] comics that is being freely distributed on his Facebook Fan Page. Earlier this year in April, Leslie was arrested by the police for sedition [Link Here] over two of his comics released on Facebook Page, entitled “Demon-cratic Singapore”. Four months before the arrest, the AGC said it would not commence further proceedings against him if he apologised publicly on his page and removed one of the two cartoons, but Chew refused, saying his work was entirely fictional and not related to any real events or persons.
An order of committal will, if made, set out High Court’s finding that contempt of court has been committed, and will also set out the punishment imposed for such contempt, whether this be imprisonment or a fine, or both.”
The present legal proceedings, which are aimed at protecting the administration of justice in the Republic of Singapore and upholding the integrity of one of our key public institutions, have been commenced in connection with Leslie Chew’s publication of various comics as part of the comic series ‘Demon-cratic Singapore’ on Facebook.
Leslie now is seeking support through his Facebook Fan Page for donations where some of his fans also suggested to start crowd sourcing to finance Leslie throughout the legal proceedings. Many have expressed their support for Leslie in various forms.
I am beginning to think that this is the beginning where the government will start its radical approach in wiping out freedom of speech on the internet by imposing legal actions and continuously introducing intrusive measures to curb the resistance from the public and activist. #FreeMyInternet is one of the key things to watch and if that licensing scheme continuously evolve to excavate the prominent political bloggers such as TR Emeritus, The Real Singapore, etc out from the scene. As many to of those who have express, this is another “reason for a change in 2016″ which it seems that the government failing to notice the depreciating support for their approach.
Time will tell …
Singapore Government charges political cartoonist - Leslie Chew - for contempt
Read Complete Post From Source: BLog.CripperZ.SG
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