Friday, July 19, 2013

Sex Bloggers (The Alvivi) Jailed and Denied Bail

Read Complete Post From Source: BLog.CripperZ.SG

The Malaysian police has taken action and now The Alvivi are both in jail. They have 3 charges, one of them is Sedition Act 1948 which resulted the deny for bail for the couple. There have been a mixed reaction on the couple’s denied for bail by the Malaysia’s judge Murtazadi.

Deputy public prosecutor Noorin Badaruddin asked the court to deny the couple bail as two of the charges were non-bailable offences and that the accused had the tendency to upload contents which could cause public anger.

Deputy public prosecutor Ishak Mohd Yusoff told the court: “If we search the Internet, their names and photographs will appear. If this is not controlled, it could damage the social fabric between race and religion (here),” he told a packed courtroom.

Defence counsel Chong Joo Tian said it was premature to say his clients had such a tendency.

“It is speculative. They remain innocent until proven guilty. They shouldn’t be incarcerated due to the prosecution’s speculation.”


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I think they deserved it. When previously asked to surrender, the couples responded arrogantly by saying that they will do so if only ‘summoned personally’ [Link Here]. I think they are just desperate for attention and disrespectfully done so by posting the poster “Halal Bak Ku Teh For Ramadhan” [Link Here] in a Muslim majority country. I hope they would survived in jail / remand until their court hearing.

Sex Bloggers (The Alvivi) Jailed and Denied Bail
Read Complete Post From Source: BLog.CripperZ.SG


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