Saturday, July 20, 2013

Sex Blogger Apology Video On Halal Bak Kuh Teh - Morons

Read Complete Post From Source: BLog.CripperZ.SG

I just wish to tell them, next time use their big fat pig brains before they do anything – oh wait they have brains of a pig – they can’t think. I suggest they should just shut the hell up and just disappear from the face of the earth. They apology video seems contradicting. They knew that pork is forbidden in Islam yet they still made that poster thinking it will be some cool Jewish alike joke?

Just happen to stumble into the apology video however i think they are still in remand / jail right now after the police took actions and the judge denied their bail request [Link Here].

Hope you will enjoy your bak kuh teh in cell if they do serve any :) .


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