Saturday, July 27, 2013

A Profession That Will Literally Get You Fired For Having A Boy Friend

Read Complete Post From Source: BLog.CripperZ.SG

Yes as the title reads. Can somebody tell me if this normal for a dance group in Philippines or even outside Philippines? Because if it is, it surely suck to have such a job.


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Just so happen that i was surfing around Facebook pages that i joined and was looking at the dance group’s manager Facebook profile and that particular post got me like – WTF ? Ban member fired again, for real ? Oh yeah it is, the post by Bryon was just “an hour ago”.

The dance group, Mocha Girls [Wiki Here], is quite a popular dance group in Philippines which was form in 2006. In fact they travel quite a bit across the globe too. These girls are multi talented too, they sing, dance, does modelling and photo shoots. So little surprise that their followers spans outside Philippines.

The original group members was however disbanded by the same manager, Bryon, in 2010 when the group members defy their leader – Mocha Uson [Link here]. Shortly after, Bryon and Mocha replaced the spots with new faces. Quoting Mocha Uson’s interview – “Equally competent replacements are always available. As a performing group we are an ensemble, meaning all of us are replaceable. It has no solo performer. If it looks like I am the front-liner of the group, it is because I happened to be a film and TV star in my own right,” said Uson.

Well the group member who was fired was Yumi Ociman [FB Page Here]. To be honest, amongst the rest, Yumi has much larger followers in the Facebook Page and her personal profile page. Well i guess Yumi, you should have never agreed to the rule No. 1 in Mocha Girls – that is NO BF for as long as you are part of the group. But then again, that did not sound right either heh?.

To Yumi, congrats and all the best to your relationship and that you probably made a good choice in a long run – there are always greener patch somewhere. To Bryon however, probably there might be some other alternatives in dealing such delicate issue next time.

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A Profession That Will Literally Get You Fired For Having A Boy Friend
Read Complete Post From Source: BLog.CripperZ.SG


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