Saturday, August 10, 2013

Racist Remark - Gina Tay? - #RacismInSG

Read Complete Post From Source: BLog.CripperZ.SG

Can’t stand those people who stays level 2 and yet so lazy to climb the stairs. Especially Malays

That is what Gina Tay [Twitter Link Here] tweeted on her account and i believe it has caught the attention of those in EDMW and the social networks. Guess it is too late to set your Twitter [Link Here] and Facebook [Link Here] account to private now heh Gina?

racist singaporean - gina tay 01 racist singaporean - gina tay 02

Here is my amazing list of Singapore Racist comments collection.

Racist Remark - Gina Tay? - #RacismInSG
Read Complete Post From Source: BLog.CripperZ.SG


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