Monday, September 2, 2013

What happens when your living floor tiles goes popping up?

Read Complete Post From Source: BLog.CripperZ.SG

A video posted by a Sengkang resident — it shows the tiles in her living room popping and cracking — has received close to 20,000 views since she put it up on local citizen reporting site Stomp.

The resident, known as Sally, said that she recorded the footage on 12 August. She shared that when she was recording it, she was “great shock” and even “trembled” after seeing the floor crack.

She had heard “odd noises” before seeing the tiles pop in her HDB flat, adding that she did not foresee the floors to do so even after hearing rumours of similar incidents happening in nearby units.

Besides Sally, a Tampines resident also experienced a similar issue back in July 2011 but no further details on the earlier incident were reported.

A video of a similar incident was posted on Youtube earlier in 2009.


What happens when your living floor tiles goes popping up?
Read Complete Post From Source: BLog.CripperZ.SG


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