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Go to apache cassandra installation folder > tools > bin > cassandra-stress
Below is a simple stress test script that prints out the stats to a file in Ubuntu with dstat installed.
#!/bin/bash |
Pretty self explanatory.
Below are some references taken from with regards to the stress tool
The cassandra-stress tool is a Java-based stress testing utility for benchmarking and load testing a Cassandra cluster. The binary installation of the tool also includes a daemon, which in larger-scale testing can prevent potential skews in the test results by keeping the JVM warm.
There are different modes of operation:
- Inserting: Loads test data.
- Reading: Reads test data.
- Indexed range slicing: Works with RandomParititioner on indexed column families.
You can use these modes with or without the cassandra-stressd daemon running (binary installs only).
- Packaged installs: cassandra-stress [options]
- Binary installs: <install_location>/tools/bin/cassandra-stress [options]
The available options are:
Long Option Short Option | Description |
–average-size-values -V | Generate column values of average rather than specific size. |
–cardinality <CARDINALITY> -C <CARDINALITY> | Number of unique values stored in columns. Default is 50. |
–columns <COLUMNS> -c <COLUMNS> | Number of columns per key. Default is 5. |
–column-size <COLUMN-SIZE> -S <COLUMN-SIZE> | Size of column values in bytes. Default is 34. |
–compaction-strategy <COMPACTION-STRATEGY> -Z <COMPACTION-STRATEGY> | Specifies which compaction strategy to use. |
–comparator <COMPARATOR> -U <COMPARATOR> | Specifies which column comparator to use. Supported types are: TimeUUIDType, AsciiType, and UTF8Type. |
–compression <COMPRESSION> -I <COMPRESSION> | Specifies the compression to use for SSTables. Default is no compression. |
–consistency-level <CONSISTENCY-LEVEL> -e <CONSISTENCY-LEVEL> | Consistency level to use (ONE, QUORUM, LOCAL_QUORUM, EACH_QUORUM, ALL, ANY). Default is ONE. |
–create-index <CREATE-INDEX> -x <CREATE-INDEX> | Type of index to create on column families (KEYS). |
–enable-cql -L | Perform queries using CQL (Cassandra Query Language). |
–family-type <TYPE> -y <TYPE> | Sets the column family type. |
–file <FILE> -f <FILE> | Write output to a given file. |
–help -h | Show help. |
–keep-going -k | Ignore errors when inserting or reading. When set, –keep-trying has no effect. Default is false. |
–keep-trying <KEEP-TRYING> -K <KEEP-TRYING> | Retry on-going operation N times (in case of failure). Use a positive integer. The default is 10. |
–keys-per-call <KEYS-PER-CALL> -g <KEYS-PER-CALL> | Number of keys to per call. Default is 1000. |
–nodes <NODES> -d <NODES> | Nodes to perform the test against. Must be comma separated with no spaces. Default is localhost. |
–nodesfile <NODESFILE> -D <NODESFILE> | File containing host nodes (one per line). |
–no-replicate-on-write -W | Set replicate_on_write to false for counters. Only for counters with a consistency level of ONE (CL=ONE). |
–num-different-keys <NUM-DIFFERENT-KEYS> -F <NUM-DIFFERENT-KEYS> | Number of different keys. If less than NUM-KEYS, the same key is re-used multiple times. Default is NUM-KEYS. |
–num-keys <NUMKEYS> -n <NUMKEYS> | Number of keys to write or read. Default is 1,000,000. |
–port <PORT> -p <PORT> | Thrift port. Default is 9160. |
–progress-interval <PROGRESS-INTERVAL> -i <PROGRESS-INTERVAL> | The interval, in seconds, at which progress is output. Default is 10 seconds. |
–query-names <QUERY-NAMES> -Q <QUERY-NAMES> | Comma-separated list of column names to retrieve from each row. |
–random -r | Use random key generator. When used –stdev has no effect. Default is false. |
–replication-factor <REPLICATION-FACTOR>> -l <REPLICATION-FACTOR> | Replication Factor to use when creating column families. Default is 1. |
–replication-strategy <REPLICATION-STRATEGY> -R <REPLICATION-STRATEGY> | Replication strategy to use (only on insert and when a keyspace does not exist.) Default is: SimpleStrategy. |
–send-to <SEND-TO> -T <SEND-TO> | Sends the command as a request to the cassandra-stressd daemon at the specified IP address. The daemon must already be running at that address. |
–skip-keys <SKIP-KEYS> -N <SKIP-KEYS> | Fraction of keys to skip initially. Default is 0. |
–stdev <STDEV> -s <STDEV> | Standard deviation. Default is 0.1. |
–strategy-properties <STRATEGY-PROPERTIES> –O <STRATEGY-PROPERTIES> | Replication strategy properties in the following format: <dc_name>:<num>,<dc_name>:<num>,… For use with NetworkTopologyStrategy. |
–threads <THREADS> -t <THREADS> | Number of threads to use. Default is 50. |
–unframed -m | Use unframed transport. Default is false. |
–use-prepared-statements -P | (CQL only) Perform queries using prepared statements. |
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