Friday, April 26, 2013

Blogging for Leisure vs Blogging for Profit – Insights from Singapore Bloggers

Source: BLog.CripperZ.SG

Yes, this topic came up to me and strike my attention while i was actually suppose to blog about “Singapore Government vs Singapore Bloggers” (somewhow). I also went through the 5 parts of videos that was posted on and i believe that many of us would have came across Alvinology blog by now. He is one of my favourite Singapore blogger who i find resourceful in many ways through his blog contents and sharing.

About The Topic

Well, it is a panel of Singapore bloggers, of whether they blog for hobby or they blog for profits. They share their experiences on how they started blogging and why they still continuing blogging – either for profit or interest. You can go through the topic on Alvinology – Blogging for Leisure vs Blogging for Profit – Insights from Singapore Bloggers here. Yes, i strongly suggest that you visit his page and watch the Youtube video embedded to have a brief idea of what i am going to summarize here as my personal opinion.

The Panel List

If you ask me, i don’t really know the panel list at all and this is my first time seeing their names and their blogs. However, i do find that all of them have one thing in common – be a nice / tactful blogger (woops yes Xiaxue is mentioned somewhat there as well). This panel list was was part of a prelude of blog awards 2013.

The Panel List Blogs:

- AussiePete.Com




Their discussion was missing quite a whole stretch of things when comes to being a blogger for profits and yes i was glad that Pete ( actually highlighted in a glimpse that making profits through your blog is not just through advertorials. What the panel have completely missed was the vast number of online platforms – be it affiliate marketing, online stores, tools and adboards – which will deemed more suitable for a new blogger to try out rather than jumping straight towards advertorials.

With that, i am quite determined to actually provide a real life proof of making money through various platforms available where you can actually make use of these tools, affiliation and products to make money as you blog your way through. I will be posting those tips and talks here – so yes be sure to bookmark it.

I am a blogger who just blog for fun, as a hobby and also used my blog as my personal knowledge base (my online guides and how-tos) as i do have a full time job and never had the intentions to go full time into blogging. But to make a few hundred dollars extra from my hobby is really something everyone would want and it is definitely NOT EXPENSIVE nor DIFFICULT to do either. It all depends on how much time you put into, how long and how / why you do it. For me, i dont blog that often, my blog is an online knowledge base too so that relates my full time work and i spend less than an hour doing so daily or fortnightly.

So When Will My Real Life Proof Be Up?

It could be any time honestly. I have been using some of the tools that i wish to share in my current blog (the one you are reading now of course). I have been exploring a couple more that i found. I am still manipulating some concepts and ideas on how to use freely available tools and to some of the paid ones to maximum effectiveness. Also, as of this post, what helps me is that i am working for a company that handles big data. The big players who are into the media publishing platforms, analytics, marketing and monetizing digital assets – That gives me the boost of getting to know what’s in, what’s new and what’s the upcoming. If you think this is a sales pitch, i beg you to look into my online profiles and footprints again. I am more of a technical guy who shares with you what you would want to know, what can be done and what cannot be done and i am more than happy to be corrected or stand corrected along the way.

Well i guess i should get back to my other post that i originally want to write now before my rant goes without a period. Till next time folks.


Blogging for Leisure vs Blogging for Profit – Insights from Singapore Bloggers


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