Saturday, June 8, 2013

Singapore Man Had Breast Implant - Superstar Kurt Tay

Read Complete Post From Source: BLog.CripperZ.SG

I find this rather disturbing. Remember Jonathon Leong, for those who didn’t knew him, he was the “Mr Nong Nong Ago” in one of the Singapore Idol audtion. I have no slightest clue of why he chose to do it but apparently as he mention, it boost his confidence. Very disturbing indeed. Now our Mr Nong Nong Ago is now Mr “Best” Implant. He got serious pronunciation problem too apparently.

Mr Nong Nong Ago Youtube Video

His “Best” Implant Video. His Youtube Channel Here.

I think the stress of being Singapore citizen really create these kind of disturbing people.

man takes breast surgery

Screen Shot 2013-04-12 at 6.46.02 PM Screen Shot 2013-04-12 at 6.45.51 PM

So other than Steven Lim (Singapore most handsome guy), Ris Low (Former 2009 Miss Singapore), now we have Jonathon Leong a.k.a Mr Nong a.k.a Superstar Kurt Tay in the list to say the few. You guys are welcome to add more into the list by commenting this post :) .

I think he is more disturbing than Steven Lim and this guy just hit a record high to top the chart. Below is his bikini talk.

Still i guess Kurt Tay still needs to learn from Ris Low on how to have safe sex in one of her recent Youtube Video

Oh what the hell, hope i didn’t make anyone puke and fall sick on their Sunday morning with this post :P

Singapore Man Had Breast Implant - Superstar Kurt Tay
Read Complete Post From Source: BLog.CripperZ.SG


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