Sunday, June 16, 2013

Facebook New Datacenter At Lulea - Sweden

Read Complete Post From Source: BLog.CripperZ.SG

facebook new datacenter sweden

Facebook built it’s new datacenter at icy cold location, Lulea – Sweden [Wiki Here]. Lulea have short mild summer with a long cold snowy winters. The new datacenter, a new 27,000 square meter (290,000 square foot), is built base on Open Compute standards, powered by hydro electric (renewable energy) and “vanity free” storage and hardware from the Open Compute Project [Link Here].

To check out the photo gallery head down to Facebook’s Lulea Page [Link Here].

All the equipment inside is powered by locally generated hydro-electric energy. Not only is it 100 percent renewable, but the supply is also so reliable that we have been able to reduce the number of backup Relevant Products/Services generators required at the site by more than 70 percent,” the company said in a news release. “In addition to harnessing the power of water, we are using the chilly Nordic air to cool the thousands of servers that store your photos, videos, comments, and Likes. Any excess heat that is produced is used to keep our office warm.

[AFG_gallery id='23']

Check out the time lapsed video of the datacenter below

While many companies out there are adapting to “Green Datacenters”, namely Google, Open Compute Project is an initiative started by Facebook [Wiki Here] to share open hardware servers and data centers design following the model associated to open source software projects.

Facebook New Datacenter At Lulea - Sweden
Read Complete Post From Source: BLog.CripperZ.SG


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