Saturday, May 25, 2013

Former Ms Singapore 2009 WTF interview with Alvivi

Read Complete Post From Source: BLog.CripperZ.SG

Remember Ris Low (Former Miss Singapore 2009)? Well here is she again, a recent interview and tongue to tongue session with the Alvivi.  Ris Low is pretty chubby now though, like really chubby.


ris low scandal alvivi

So the curiosity begins, i went to Google Ris Low and realize that she is also and active blogger - . i guess over the years she really went through some tough times and bloat herself up, i mean look at these …

ris low photos

click to view the gallery

ris low miss singapore 2009

Ah wells, good morning folks … just one silly Sunday morning post :)

Former Ms Singapore 2009 WTF interview with Alvivi
Read Complete Post From Source: BLog.CripperZ.SG


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