Sunday, November 3, 2013

South East Asia Government To Get Busy Fighting Cyber War Declared By The Legions (Anonymous)

Read Complete Post From Source: BLog.CripperZ.SG

I almost had my notebook, wallet, handphone lost last few days due to silly incident and was lucky that the honest taxi drive returned it to me 2 days after when he got a chance – for once i thought my life was over. Reading the recent news though, it seems like bigger deal than to lose your personal belonging, a cyber war coming to Singapore and it definitely seems not just Singapore, it seems South East Asia and the rest of the world in general.

The Legion of Anonymous with familiar monikers like “The Messiah” have been making headlines around the South East Asia region weekly, if not daily, taking down government operated or affiliated sites. This came to wide attention when massive take down of Singapore government websites which occured on November 2nd 2013 at 3pm.


These take downs came to attention when it was reported by a local socio-political site – The Real Singapore (TRS). The take downs seems to also happened right after a declaration video that was posted on Youtube on October 31 2013. The Anonymous video also acknowledge that the single person hacking spree – “The Messiah” is an Anonymous member. His hacking spree has brought attention to the legion to bring the cyber war to Singapore to fight for freedom against the MDA licensing scheme which was much debated.

Declaration Of Cyber Way By Anonymous To Singapore Government – written out message of the video here by TRS.

The legion also calls for people of Singapore to dress only and fully in black (which is my everyday outfit anyways) to paint the streets and to black out their Facebook profile with a status message “i am a singaporean and i had enough of being oppressed. i want my freedom back” on November 5th 2013 to demonstrate unity in this pursue and fight for the freedom.


Singapore Government is not the only ones being declared war by the legions ….

The Philippines government too had similar take downs this week with a declaration video that was posted calling for November 5th 2013 for the people of Philippines to show their support and unification to protest against their government on corrupt practice and officials – the same date that was called on the Singapore people.

And to comfort the ignorant ones, November 5th is a collective movement to fight freedom by The Anonymous …

Dubbed the “Million Mask March”, November 5th is Anonymous calling to fight for freedom around the world against oppressive government – go Google it !.

The Anonymous is definitely making it’s mark again, after their successful hacks to the FBI and the NSA in the United States. It seems like Singapore government is facing the first of its kind (and in history of Singapore) cyber war against a very prominent collective groups of hacktivists – The Anonymous. It is not stopping the take down really, it is about stopping “The Idea” which you can never. I’m afraid that i will have to give Anon 1 – SG 0 even before the November 5th it seems. The Anonymous definitely already draw the attention and with the Singapore government initial denial of the website takedowns as “planned maintenance” – it just demonstrate what sort of poor values the government has showed to the people of Singapore.



P/S: The legion also calls for people of Singapore to dress only and fully in black (which is my everyday outfit anyways) to paint the streets and to black out their Facebook profile with a status message “i am a singaporean and i had enough of being oppressed. i want my freedom back” on November 5th 2013 to demonstrate unity in this pursue and fight for the freedom. – Share this post to your friends, families, relatives and let them be aware that to build a progressive, open and respectable community we wanted, we must first be informed of true stories, not ones that was crafted by the government censorships and propaganda.

South East Asia Government To Get Busy Fighting Cyber War Declared By The Legions (Anonymous)
Read Complete Post From Source: BLog.CripperZ.SG


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